Year 5
Welcome to Year 5
Welcome, we are really excited to get to know you and your children this year and work on some exciting units together. We have lots of different topics coming up this year and this page will give you all of the key information you need to know throughout.
Staff supporting Year 5 from September 2024 this year are;
Miss Webley
Mrs Goodreds
Mrs Scott
Miss Powell
Mrs Payton
Miss Jones
PE Days
This year we will have PE each Tuesday morning. Please ensure your child comes to school in appropriate PE clothing each and every Tuesday. Remember children will wear these clothes during break time and dinner time so must also be appropriate for the weather.
Reading- your child will have access to a minimum of 2 reading books each week. One book will be clearly labelled ‘A Book to Share’ and is a book for you to enjoy alongside your child. It is a book they will have chosen themselves and is not matched to their reading ability. Instead it is a book to share and read for pleasure. They will also have a book either sent home or allocated online to them that is for them to read to another member of the household. This book is matched to their reading ability. It is expected that children read and/or share a book at home at least 3 times each week. When they do so, an adult should sign their reading record – records will be check every Friday for the week prior and where a child has read 3 times, they will receive a sticker on our reading sticker chart. 3 stickers leads to a reading prize!
Maths- your child will need to know all of their times tables up to and including 12 x 12, which will help them in the preparations for Year 6 and the SATS tests. Children can practise in many ways, including using some of the links below:
Hit the button -
Learning Challenge- Children will be given a project challenge each half-term that ties into the topic unit they are covering at that time. A paper copy will be sent home but you will also be able to find it on the tab on the left-hand side of this page.
Contact Info
Should you need to speak to a member of Year 5 staff, you can speak to someone on the door of a morning, after school or email us on