Home Learning Challenges
Home Learning Challenge - A fresh approach!
Hall Green Primary is tackling homework in a positive and exciting way!
At the start of each half term, your child will come home with a Home Learning Challenge sheet. This sheet will provide a number of practical activities linked to their current classwork which can be undertaken at home. We would like you to support us in encouraging and enabling your child to complete at least one of the activities provided for that half term. It would be amazing if you were to encourage your child to complete all of the activities listed, but our homework requirements will be for them to choose and complete just one activity from the list.
At the end of each half term the children will be asked to bring their learning challenges back into school to be displayed in the classroom and to present their home learning to their peers and teachers. For every half term challenge sheet they take part in, children will earn a special certificate and an amazing prize!
Each year group’s home learning challenge sheet has a space for parent/carer’s feedback and for children’s feedback. These sheets should be returned to school with the completed home learning challenges on the chosen display day. The sheets will be available to access electronically below.
Be sure to look out for photographs of children’s creations under the ‘News & Events’ tab!
Please do not forget to look in your child’s reading records when they are distributed, for more information about reading, spelling and mathematics homework that will be issued alongside the Home Learning Challenges.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to class teachers. Thank you for supporting your child’s learning – working with them at home will make a significant difference to their enjoyment of learning and to their success at school.
Yours sincerely,
Miss Webley
Humanities Learning Challenge Co-Ordinator